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PlainJoe at Q 2018 – An Art Apologetic

Christian thought-leaders and change-makers will gather in Nashville for Q 2018, a conference produced by Q-Ideas and focused on equipping leaders for the challenge of evangelism and culture-shaping in a post-modern age.

PlainJoe’ Chief Creative Officer, Mel McGowan, joins a host of incredible speakers whose stories and insights will inspire you for your God-given task ahead.

“A place for church and industry leaders to thoughtfully navigate today’s culture“

On Thursday, April 12 (3:00-3:45pm), Mel sits in on a Breakout Panel sharing his insights and experience on the topic of Arts & Entertainment.

Then on Friday, April 13 (9:30-12:00pm), Mel’s Q talk, An Art Apologetic, will discuss the role cart, and beauty in today’s divisive socio-political climate at Q 2018.

It’s time to advance the good.

Join PlainJoe Co-Founder, Mel McGowan, as he discusses the crucial role of art & beauty in today’s divisive socio-political climate at Q 2018.

There are still spaces left for the Q 2018 conference. Register HERE.