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You’re never going to kill storytelling, because it’s built in the human plan. We come with it.

Margaret Atwood
In the end, the only thing you really own is your story.

Australia (2008)
News & Updates

First Impressions Conference – May 1-3, 2018

PlainJoe is excited to support the upcoming First Impressions Conference, a 3-day event to help you improve your church’s first-time guest experience.

The conference (May 1-3, 2018) features sessions by pastors and guest services thought-leaders and experts, along with panels and breakouts on assimilation, children’s ministry, communications, security & facilities, and creativity & worship.

PlainJoe co-founder, Mel McGowan will be joining the panel on Security and Facilities. He will share insights from his career in architecture & design for churches, hospitality, and the themed-entertainment industry.

PJS Spatial Storytelling from PlainJoe on Vimeo.

Also joining Mel is Kem Meyer, PlainJoe’s Communications Strategist. She’ll be part of the Communications session to help your church communicate to new guests with clarity.